Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Five Feet Apart

Stars 5/5
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott
Mikki Daughtry (Contributor)
Tobias Iaconis (Contributor)
(note... This book made it to my 2018 Favorites List)

First I have to say that I really never like to read books where the characters are sick/dying because I don't like the sad endings but a friend recommended this book to me. Said it is a "Must Read" and OMG I loved this book! It made it to my 2018 Favorites List! I am not going to say that this book doesn't have it's sad moments because it does but the story is so unique and creative that I fell right into this book and couldn't put it down. The book follows Stella, a young girl who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, and is in the hospital due to an infection and awaiting a new lung. The hospital is like a home away from home for her and she knows exactly what to do with her disease and even made an app to help with her medicine/treatment scheduling. In the hospital, she meets Will, a young guy also suffering a terminal illness and that is all I am going to say about this book as to not spoil it. I highly recommend this book to everyone. I really loved it!

1 comment:

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    Marvin Matyka
